As mentioned earlier in this work, "GUTs" stands for grand unified theories which encompass different physical models trying to describe the behaviour of the four different fundamental forces or fundamental interactions between the particles. The endeavour is to be able to describe all these forces or interactions by one need mathematical formula. If such a theory exist it is sometimes called the "TOE" (theory of everything) and is regarded as the Holy Grail of modern science.
In the middle of the 19th century, James Clerk Maxwell (1831-79) discovered the mathematical equations which determined the behaviour of the electromagnetic force in nature. His equation contained the constant "c" which was equal to the velocity of light. He thus showed that light was a form of electromagnetic radiation that is propagating through space by a wave function. Maxwell had discovered and described two facets of the same fundamental interaction that is known as electro- magnetism linking electricity and magnetism.
In the middle of the 20th. century other theories that included quantum mechanics successfully described other fundamental interactions. For instants, quantum electrodynamics (QED) was able to correctly predict the behaviour of the interactions of charged particles like electrons and protons. In 1960 scientists discovered a mathematical theory which combined the QED theory with the weak interaction known as the electroweak theory. The next step was to fine a mathematical theory that would combine the electroweak theory with the strong nuclear interaction which holds the particles of a nucleus together. The strong nuclear interaction is thought to arise by the exchange of gluons between quark particles held within the protons. This theory is known as quantum chromodynamics (QCD).
The reason why scientists find it difficult to encompass the fundamental force of gravity into a grand unified theory is the extreme weakness of the force of gravity compared with the other three forces of nature. It is speculated that gravity is passed from one massive object to another by a hypothetical massless particle called graviton. Some scientists have proposed a mathematical theory known as the string or superstring theory which envisages one-dimensional point-like entities that operate in different dimensions and seem to possess the properties of gravitons.
Most scientists today view a possible solution to the TOE theory to be the discovery of a particle that is of such a high-energy scale in which all the other fundamental forces in nature are united. They speculate that the electromagnetic force mixes with the weak nuclear force at the electroweak scale which has an energy level of a 100 GeV (Giga-electrovolt) forming two electroweak forces. These two new forces unite with the strong nuclear force at the GUT scale with an energy level of 10^16 GeV. According to the string theory this force will merge with gravity into a single "superforce" at the string scale which has an energy level of 10^18 GeV. At this level all the fundamental forces of nature become as one. Some scientists envisage even a Planck scale with an energy level of 10^19 GeV which has a length of only 10^-35 (m). At this scale, gravity would become comparable in strength to the other forces.
Unfortunately, such high energy levels can not be reached experimentally at the moment. However, theories suggest that at the beginning of the big bang such high energy levels did exist. All the forces of nature were as one at the beginning of the big bang. Then the different forces separated or were filtered out at the different energy levels which were reached as the universe expanded and cooled. As the universe expanded and cooled its energy level was lowered.
This is the common held theory at the moment concerning the different fundamental forces of nature and the connection that exists between them. Just as matter and anti matter can be formed by means of quantum fluctuation, it seems that the different forces also were formed at the beginning of the universe when the temperature and pressure were at the different electrovolt energy scales. The question one could ask whether there could possibly be another explanation for the beginning, nature and connections that exists between the different fundamental forces in nature?
According to the theory proposed in this work, energy existed in the universe from the very beginning of time as well as the fundamental laws that governs the cosmos. Energy basically consists of quanta particles that have virtual mass, momentum and gravity. These quanta particles always move at the speed of light (c), and have a constant quantity of energy known as the Planck constant (h) which has a value of 6.626 10 ^-34 Joule seconds. Since these quanta particles have both virtual mass and momentum they consists of both gravitational and kinetic energies and act as a gravitational-kinetic force. Thus the weakest fundamental force in nature is not purely gravity but is one that is composed of two, gravity and an equal but opposed, kinetic force.
In the theory, here proposed, these quanta particles in the pure state, exist in a frame reference of the fifth dimension. In this state physical time is zero when viewed from the fourth dimension. In this state of quanta there is no acceleration or deceleration because all the particles move at the same speed of light. Since in this frame of reference physical time is zero and the special relativistic laws of Einstein are like those described by the Newtonian laws. Pure energy consists of quanta particles that have virtual mass and both kinetic and gravitational forces and energies and these are conserved. This means they cannot be created or destroyed. This pure energy is in a form of chaos that is controlled by basic fundamental laws of nature like the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and quantum fluctuation.
It is due to quantum fluctuation that this pure energy can be formed into matter and anti matter and thus into sub-atomic particles like neutron, protons, electrons and all the other sub- atomic particles. This process occurs best in a region of very high density and temperature which exists at the event horizon of black holes. Once the formation of sub-atomic particles have occurred, pure or virtual mass has changed into relativistic mass moving with a speed that is less than the speed of light. This means that these zero rest mass particles exist in physical time or in the fourth dimension where they are governed by the normal laws of Einstein’s special relativity.
A further speculation in the theory here proposed, is that the basic sub-atomic particles like the electrons and protons are mini-black holes with an inner event horizon and an outer horizon where the electric charge is operative. If the charge in the outer event horizon is negative like in an electron, its inner charge would be positive. Conversely, if the inner charge is negative, the outer charge would be positive like in a proton. Furthermore, in the case of the proton which has internal particles like the different quarks particles, these too could possibly be mini-black holes with different internal and external charges.
In John Gribbin’s book IN THE SEARCH OF THE EDGE OF TIME, he mentions that Stephen Hawking suggested the possibility of the existence of mini black holes as small as one hundred thousandth of a gram. These, it was suggested, might have been created at the beginning of time. If quantum particles have always existed from the beginning of time, these could be continually be formed into mini-black holes in the form of sub-atomic particles at the edge of an event horizon of black holes where the pressure and temperature is high enough for this process to occur by means of quantum fluctuation.
John Gribbin also mentions in his book, that two Russian scientists Yakov Zel’dovich and Alex Starobinsky, had discovered that rotating black holes could create particles of energy and could eject them into space. Interestingly, later in the book, John Gribbin says that the effect of rotation on the space time geometry of a black hole is similar to the effect of an electric charge and that the angular momentum of a rotating black hole opposes the inward pull of gravity.
The theory proposed in this work, holds that an electron is a rotating mini-black hole which has an outer electric negative charge with an inner positive core within its event horizon. This electrical charge is due to the movement of the quanta particles and thus the interplay of the gravitational and kinetic forces of the virtual masses of the quanta particles within and without the event horizon of the mini-black hole electron. In other words, the electric-magnetic force is in essence the quantification of quanta particles, or rather the quantification of the gravitational-kinetic force of the quanta particles. The electric-magnetic force, the second fundamental force in nature is basically a quantification of the gravitational-kinetic force, the most fundamental force of nature.
In this theory it is possible to understand that a photon which is a virtual particle carrying an electro-magnetic force known as a boson particle, between two charged or magnetised particles. A photon is basically a quantity of quanta particles or a quantity of electromagnetic radiation which is a combination of electric and magnetic forces and energies. It has no rest mass because quanta particles continually move at the speed of light and thus it is a virtual particle, it can never rest and can never be observed. It can not be seen due to Einstein’s relativity law of length contraction eg. an object moving at the speed of light has zero length. However, a photon has both gravitational and kinetic energies and forces which can be measured as shown by Einstein’s photoelectron effect.
The next fundamental force in nature is the weak nuclear force or also called the weak interaction. It is observed when a neutron particle breaks up forms a proton, an electron and an anti-neutrino. It is about 10^10 times weaker than the electromagnetic interaction and it is observed to exist between leptons and in the decay of hadrons like in the beta decay of particles and nuclei. An understanding of this force is possible when examining the structure of a neutron particle according to the theory proposed in this work.
A neutron particle when it breaks up, forms a proton, an electron and an anti neutrino. According to the theory, both the proton and electron particles are mini-black holes with inner cores and outer charged radii but with different masses and opposite electric charges. The inner core of a proton is negative and its outer core is positive. An electron, on the other hand, has a positive inner core and a negative outer radius. Both particles have gravitational and kinetic energies and it is well known that like electrical charges repel each other and unlike electrical charges attract each other.
If the proton and electron particles are only electrically combined they would form a hydrogen atom. However, in order for an electron particle to come closer to the inner core of the proton particle, it needs extra energy and force to combine the two particles to form a neutron particle. This extra energy or force is needed for the outer negative electrical charge of the electron to overcome the negative charge of the inner core of the proton particle and also for the positive inner electron core to enter the outer positive radius of the proton. This extra force is the weak interaction which is quite unstable and only has a mean life of twelve minutes when the neutron particle is outside the nucleus. This weak interaction is a lepton like a photon and consists of quanta particles and thus also basically consists of a quantity of the gravitational kinetic force.
Thus, the weak nuclear force is basically also a quantification of the gravitational kinetic force that are carried by the quanta particles similar to the electro-magnetic force. There is a difference, however, between the weak nuclear force and the electro-magnetic force. The electro-magnetic force consists of a definite quantity of quanta particles that forms an electron particle and similar to the gravitational-kinetic force is long range. The lepton that acts as a weak nuclear force while it is also composed of quanta particles, operates between the proton and electron in a neutron particle to hold the electron in the outer radius of the proton particle. Its range would therefore, not be long range but rather in a short range because once the neutron dissolves into the different sub-atomic particles, the electron is no longer held in a close bound to the proton particle.
The strong nuclear force or the strong interaction is about 10^2 times stronger than the electro-magnetic force. It acts mainly between the protons and neutrons or the nucleons of a nucleus of an atom, holding them together, giving the nucleus its stability. Similar to the weak nuclear force, its range is short, only about 10^-15 metre, but it is carried by virtual particles known as mesons. These mesons constitute different kinds of quark particles that are speculated to exist within the protons according to a gauge theory called quantum chromodynamics.
According to the theory here proposed, the strong nuclear force is like the weak nuclear force in so far that its range is short operating only within the radius of a nucleus of an atom. However, it is much stronger than the weak nuclear force because it holds different nucleons, protons and neutrons within the nucleus of an atom and not just electrons. The strong nuclear force is so strong because it has to combine particles with similar electrical charges eg. the positive charged particles together which would have a tendency to repel each other. However, if the protons are mini-black holes they would have event horizons that separate the very small inner cores from the much large outer cores. If these inner cores or the event horizons of the protons were very close than the gravitational kinetic force of the black holes would be strong enough to overcome the electro magnetic forces of the particles that would try to keep them separate. This strong gravitational kinetic force acting between the event horizons of the nucleons are the virtual mesons particles.
The inner cores of the nucleons consisting of protons and neutrons, would be black holes which have the same electrical charges and these would prevent them to combine because same electrical charges repel each other. However, the gravitational force of the black holes of the inner cores of the nucleons attract each other and keep them within the boundary of the nucleus. The virtual mesons particles that carry the strong nuclear force consists basically also of a gravitational-kinetic force. Thus the strong nuclear force is also a quantity of the gravitational-kinetic force just like the electro-magnetic and the weak nuclear forces.
The TOE theory here proposed, combines all the different forces of nature consisting basically of quanta virtual particles that carry a specific gravitational kinetic force. These basic quanta particles or forces are conserved and cannot be created or destroyed because they make up the basic pure energy of nature that existed from the beginning of time. These quanta particles or gravitational kinetic forces come in different quantities making up the different fundamental forces or interactions in nature among sub-atomic particles. These four basic interactions or forces are of two kinds. The first two consist of the most basic which is the gravitational kinetic force carried by quanta particles operating between all particles, and the electro magnetic force that is carried by photon particles and operates between nuclei and electrons. Both of these forces are long range meaning that they extend throughout the universe and are govern by the inverse square law meaning that the strength of the force is inversely depending on the square of the distance between the two particles.
The other two fundamental forces in nature are the weak and strong forces or interactions which operate within the nuclei of atoms among proton and neutron particles. Both of these forces are not subject to the inverse square laws and are both short range meaning that they do not extend beyond the radii of the nuclei of atoms. Both the weak and the strong nuclear forces are carried by their own unique particles that consists of quanta particles or gravitational kinetic forces. The main difference between these two nuclear forces and the first two forces is due to the internal structure of the sub-atomic particles between which these two nuclear forces operate.
The nuclear forces act between electrons, neutrons and protons which are mini-black holes with very small internal event horizon radii and a much larger wavelength radii with different electrical charges. The weak nuclear force operates within a neutron particle combining an electron sub-atomic particle within an proton sub-atomic particle. The strong nuclear force combines protons and neutrons atoms within a nucleus of an atom and is thus much stronger than the weak nuclear force because it has to overcome much greater electro-magnetic and gravitational- kinetic forces of the different nucleons.
The TOE theory here proposed does not destroy the basic knowledge of the four fundamental forces of nature but rather tries to give a different interpretation of how they are united and how they interact in nature. The theory here proposed only gives a very brief outline on a possible new direction in the investigation of the search for a complete theory of everything. It certainly does not answer all the questions but rather raises new questions that could lead to a new and deeper understanding of the nature of the universe.
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