After reviewing some of the basic physical principles and laws that govern the universe, it is good to see how they apply to the universe as a whole. As it was mentioned earlier, it was Aristotle that maintained the logical and philosophical principle that an effect needs a cause. This would mean in the physical realm that a movement of an object must have a cause or a force that initiated the movement. Isaac Newton, many centuries later, discovered the laws of motion and showed that an object remains at rest or in uniform motion in a straight line unless it is acted upon by an external force. This means that the state of motion of an object is permanent unless it is affected by an external force. However, a moving object has momentum and kinetic energy that can be translated into a force to give or to change the state of motion of another object. Newton also discovered the law of universal gravitation and maintained that all the objects of the universe are gravitationally attracted towards each other. According to Newtonian physics the universe has only three physical dimensions and time is constant and does not affect the other dimensions.
Albert Einstein, in the 20 century, discovered the special and general laws of relativity which maintains that time is not constant but depends on the motion of an object. The speed of an object will affect its length, its mass and its time. Thus, time is a fourth dimension of the universe. Einstein showed that no material object which has a rest mass, can travel faster than the speed of light because at this point its time dimension is zero, its length is zero and its mass would have to be infinite. According to Einstein’s physics all objects which have a non-zero rest mass in the universe are relatively related to each other depending on their motions.
Einstein also discovered the law of equivalence which maintains that the gravitational mass is equivalent to the inertial mass. He was able to relate mass to energy by his famous equation of:
E = m c^2
He maintained that the speed of light in a vacuum is constant and that photons or quanta particles which are the constituents of light, have a photoelectric effect which means that they have both momentum and are affected by gravitation.
It was Max Planck who first proposed in 1900 that electro-magnetic radiation can only be emitted or absorbed by small quantities of energy called quanta. This led to the quantum theory which viewed matter basically as a wave-particle duality and linked it to an uncertainty principle discovered by Werner Karl Heisenberg. This principle, fundamental to the quantum theory, states that the mass and the velocity of an object are so linked that they can not both be precisely determent at the same time.
Einstein did not at first fully accepted the quantum theory with its uncertainty principle because he found it difficult to incorporate it into his grand theory of general relativity. He spend the last thirty years of his life searching for a grand universal theory that would incorporate both quantum and gravity. This is still a great problem of modern physics today.
Einstein was attracted by the notion of a fifth dimension put forward by Theodor Franz Kaluza in 1919. This was a unified field theory that combined Einstein’s theory of gravity with Maxwell electromagnetic theory. Kaluza suggested that the fifth dimension was different from the other dimensions because it was "curled up" like a circle. The Swedish mathematician Oskar Klein suggested that the circle was as small as a Planck length, which is about 10 ^-33 cm, too small for any one to observe. While this idea of the fifth dimension of the universe was very appealing no one could work out what this really meant.
The opposite idea may possibly be true that the fifth dimension is not a very small circle but rather comprising the universe as a whole. The whole universe consists of all the quanta particles or energy forming a super-symmetric fifth dimension. The quantity of quanta in the universe is not infinite but rather finite existing from the beginning of time. This would conform to the basic physical law that energy cannot be created or destroyed. This theory would also conform to the idea that the universe is not infinite in extend but rather limited to the space that encompasses all the energy and matter that exists.
From the time of Einstein, scientists have known many of the basic physical laws that are operating in the universe. However, until now they have not yet been able to completely synthesise all the elements. This is partially due to the fact that their ideas of the universe is somewhat restricted to the idea that the universe consists of a four dimensional structure. The four dimension being three spatial and one of time making it a space-time continuum.
Time, size and mass of an object with rest mass are relative quantities and they form a space that encompass the object. An object with a rest mass has a size which can be measured by length, depth and height or by its radius or volume. The distances between physical objects can be measured and this can be regarded as space or a volume that occupies a space. But take away the objects, then there is no space. Objects have space or there exists space between objects, but there is no space apart from the objects. Zero rest mass objects like quanta particles or electromagnetic radiations or pure energy which have the qualities of gravity and momentum, can also form a volume and space. Pure energy does also form space.
Time according to Einstein’s special theory of relativity, is related to the speed of an object which also affects its size and mass. Space does not so much depend on time, but rather on the existence of objects or energy. Space exists where objects and energy exists and the extend of space is depending on the extend of the existence of objects and energy. If energy has existed from the beginning of time, space has also existed from the beginning of time and the measurement of space is depending on the extend or volume of the existence of energy. If energy has existed from the beginning of time throughout the universe, the space or volume of the universe has also existed from the beginning of time. Space is not so much depending on time but to the extend of the existence of objects and energy.
Time in the fourth dimension of the universe depends on the speed of an object in relation of other objects. The faster an objects moves in relation to an observer, the slower is its time factor. If an object moves as fast as the speed of light, its time factor is zero. If space is depending on time, and the time factor is zero than there must be zero space between the moving object and the observer. This cannot be true and it means that space is independent of time.
According to Einstein, nothing can move as fast as the speed of light except light itself. This places light or quanta particles in a very special dimension in regards to the universe; it exists in its fifth dimension. Looking at light from the fourth dimension, its time factor is zero. This means that its movement must be simultaneously throughout the universe; its takes zero time for light to travel from one part of the universe to another. However, when looking at the speed of light from the fifth dimension of the universe, its time factor is regular and does not increase or decrease but can be measured as if it existed in its own inertial frame of reference. The universe in its fifth dimension forms its own frame of reference, where its time dimension is constant and cannot be altered. This is shown by the fact that the speed of light is one of the universal constant as Einstein had assumed when he discovered the laws of relativity.
Sir Isaac Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation and he held that all objects in the universe are interrelated. When Albert Einstein first proposed a theory of the universe according to the general laws of relativity, he speculated of the existence of another universal constant. This force is known as the cosmological constant that opposed the force of gravity in the universe and so makes the universe stable or static. Einstein discarded this proposition later when he thought that the universe was expanding. However, there are scientists today who would speculate of the existence of such a force that would affect the rate of expansion of the universe.
Einstein also discovered the principle of equivalence which holds that gravitational and inertial mass are equivalent. From this it could be argued that gravity and inertia are equivalent; also the force of gravity and the force of inertia, and that in the universe, the gravitational energy is equivalent to kinetic energy. This principle of equivalence may be applied to the universe in the fifth dimension which looks at the whole universe only in terms of gravitational and kinetic energies.
From this it can be speculated that the total quantity of energy of the universe is the sum of both the total amount of gravitational and kinetic energies.Thus:
M c^2 = ((M c^2) / 2) + ((G M^2) / R)
where (M) is the total mass of the universe including both zero rest mass particles and rest mass particles. (G) stands for the universal gravitational constant, (c) is the speed of light and (R) is the radius of the universe. If the gravitational energy of the universe is equivalent to the inertial energy than it can be speculated that the gravitational force of the universe is equivalent to the inertial force of the universe. There exists not only gravity but also an inertial force in the universe and these forces are equal and opposite. This universal inertial force of the universe could be thought of as Einstein’s cosmological constant that prevents the universe to collapse into a singularity.
It could be objected that pure energy or electromagnetic radiation or quanta particles have no mass and thus they exhibit no gravitation or momentum. However, Einstein had shown that electromagnetic radiation do have a photoelectric effect which means it has momentum and is influenced or affected by gravitation. If quanta particles have a zero rest mass, they do not have rest mass this means they can never come to rest. But they do have some kind of mass that could be called virtual mass. Einstein had presumed in his investigation of the laws of relativity that the speed of light is constant which means that the quanta particles move at a constant rate and thus could never be at rest. Thus quanta particles do not have rest mass, but since they do carry momentum and are affected by gravity they must have some kind of mass that is: virtual mass.
Scientists talk about virtual particles in the quanta theory. These virtual particles are virtual because they have virtual masses that carry energies both gravitational and inertial. When a rest mass particle gains energy it will increase both in its momentum and mass which shows that energy has both mass and inertia. Since the quanta particles has zero rest mass and have a quantity of energy of Planck constant, it shows that both the gravitational and inertial energies of the universe are conserved. Thus, the law of conservation of energy: energy can not be created nor destroyed. From the above energy equation of the universe it is quite easy to work out the equation of its radius:
R = ( 2 G M ) / c^2
This turns out to be a very important equation discovered by Karl Schwarzschild (1873-1916) and is know as the Schwarzschild radius or the event horizon of a black hole. The essential feature of a black hole is that its escape velocity is that of the speed of light. Since nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, nothing can escape from it, not even light.
If the universe is a vast black hole whose escape velocity is greater than that of the speed of light, this would confirm Newton theory that all masses and energies of the universe are interrelated. No masses or energy exists outside the universe.
The proposition that the universe is a vast black hole containing all energy and masses is possible and should be carefully investigated. In its most fundamental structure it would be a self contained frame of reference not of the fourth dimension but rather of the fifth dimension. This would mean that the basic constituent element of the universe consists of pure energy or electromagnetic radiation or quanta particles. Since this energy cannot be created or destroyed it must have existed from the beginning of time and will exist until the end of time.
Einstein’s law of equivalence seem to hold that pure radiant energy consists of two fundamental equal but opposite forces that is gravitational and kinetic. If this is true throughout the universe in its fifth dimension, than the universe can neither contract nor expand, it must be static. Radiant energy by its very nature has zero rest mass and thus is in continual motion, but it does exhibit an inertial and gravitation dimension as shown by the photoelectric effect. From this it can be assumed that energy has some kind of virtual mass and it can lead to an explanation of the Heisenberg Uncertainty principle.
Pure energy or quanta particles are part of the fifth dimension and thus it has virtual mass which cannot rest and has no dimension of length when viewed from the fourth dimension. Thus, its position and its momentum cannot be measured at the same time. Its position cannot be measured because its length is zero and its time can not be determent because it is also zero since its moves at the speed of light. However, it will display both a particle and wave dimension at the same time since it carries both gravitational and inertial energies.
This black hole model of the universe would preclude the necessity of a singularity, the expansion of the universe and the possibility of its contraction. If both the gravitational and inertial force of energy is universal and thus acts throughout the universe, the gravitational force would balance the inertial force. The gravitational and inertial forces of pure energy remain constant and cannot be diminished nor can they interchange because energy cannot be created nor destroyed. This would mean that the balance between the gravitational and inertial forces in the universe is constant. It is important to remember that this occurs in the fifth dimension of pure energy. This does not occur of course in the fourth dimension between objects which have rest masses where the normal laws of relativity operate.
In a black hole of the fifth dimension, consisting of pure energy the gravitational and inertial forces are equal and opposite and these forces cannot be interchanged. This means that the gravitational energy cannot be changed into inertial energy and vice versa because they are constant. However, the quanta particles are constantly moving at the speed of light and have no rest mass. These quanta particles in the fifth dimension cannot be collected at the centre of gravity like objects which do have rest mass in the fourth dimension. The kinetic and gravitational forces are active throughout the black hole and do not concentrate at its centre. The universe as a whole, forms an independent system of energy where the total energy remains constant.
Since these forces are constant, the quanta particles cannot increase in speed; however, they can be bent or gravitationally red-shifted under the influence of gravity. This means that the greatest gravitational red-shift or bending occurs where there exists the strongest force of gravity. In a black hole the strongest force of gravity is at its event horizon and not at its centre because at its event horizon its gravitational force is so strong that it prevents even light from escaping. At its centre there exists a gravitational balance or equilibrium and it is equal in all direction.
This fact is very significant. If the force of gravity is most effective at the event horizon in a black hole, than most of its energy must be concentrated at the event horizon and not at its centre. Every black hole has a temperature according to its quantity of energy which also determines its radius, its size and its density. The greater the quantity of energy or mass, the greater is its radius and the smaller its density and universal temperature. However, since its temperature depends on its density of energy, and if the density of energy is greatest at its event horizon, its temperature is also the greatest at the event horizon. It could possibly be assumed that the greatest temperature in the universe is at the event horizon and not at its centre.
The temperature of the event horizon could be likened to the temperature of the universe just after its beginning as is proposed by the theory of the big bang. As in the theory of the big bang, sub-atomic particle formation occurred just after its beginning, so too, it can be presumed that sub-atomic particle formation could occur at the event horizon of the black hole universe. The great difference between the two theories is that in the big band theory particle formation occurs only at its beginning. Whereas in the black hole universe theory the formation of sub-atomic particles can be continuous and can continue as long as the universe exists.
The black hole universe theory could possibly also give an explanation to the fact that the universe we observe, consists predominantly of positive rather than of negative matter. According to the theory of Stephen Hawking, sub-atomic particles are formed by quantum fluctuation at the event horizon and occur in positive-negative pairs. If this is true than it could happen that the negative and positive pair particles are so formed, are captured and separated at the event horizon of the black hole universe. The negative matter particle are predominantly captured and held near the exterior of the event horizon, whereas the positive matter particles escape within the interior of the black hole universe. This would make it a negative universe with a positive interior. While the positive matter would be scattered throughout the interior of the universe the negative matter is kept at its perimeter of the event horizon.
As the positive matter is scattered into the interior, it cools forming sub-atomic particles, the different forces or interactions, atoms and molecules. As these collect they form the proto-galaxies, galaxies, stars, solar systems, planets, moons and all the rest of the heavenly bodies. Just as the different sub-atomic particles of the positive matter are formed so are also the different forces in nature. The electromagnetic force exists when there are electron particles and nucleons, the weak nuclear force arises where there are neutron particles and the strong nuclear force exists where there are nuclei holding protons and neutrons together in the nuleus of atoms. These different sub-atomic particles, forces, atoms and molecules are all composed of the same basic energy or quanta particles that make up the universe.
The universe seen in its fifth dimension, consists of pure kinetic and gravitational energies in the form of quanta particles. However, when observing the universe in its fourth dimension, it seems to consists of both pure energy and matter. These matter particles exist only in the fourth dimension and they obey the laws of relativity. Different forms of energies interchange and matter itself can change into pure energy and pure energy can be formed into matter. There seems to be a continuos evolution; energy is continuously changed into matter by quantum fluctuation and matter is continuously formed back into pure energy by nuclear burning in stars.
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